Job Details
- Company Name- Dussmann Gulf
- Job Location- Dubai
- Nationality- Selective (Update)
- Education- Based on Post
- Gender- Male/Female
- Interview-Not Updated
- Experience- Any
- Salary- Discuss during an interview
- Benefits- Attractive Benefits
- Updated on- 31st July 2022
Available Vacancies
Dussmann Gulf Vacancies will be listed below in a certain format. You can check the eligibility criteria and apply, and you can also contact the recruiting team to find out the status of your resume. You will only receive a response if you are shortlisted by the Human Resources department, and we wish you the best of luck in your future activities.
- Electrician
- Plumber
- A/C Technician
- Multi-Skilled Technician
- MEP Supervisor
Note These Things
- Applicants Must Come With a Copy of Their CV, colored passport, and 1 passport-size photo
- Minimum Two Years Experience in Gulf Countries
- Preferred Applicants Who Can Join on Or Before 15 Aug 2022
You can apply via the ‘Apply Now’ button or by sending your CV to the email address provided. You may also apply immediately by clicking on the link above the job listing . or WhatsApp the cv if you have contact number.
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Do not pay any of the agents for the work if they ask for money. If money is lost, we are not responsible. During office hours, you can contact us at the email address below if you have any questions.